Partitioning data

Functions like map, filter, and reduce are useful tools that many developers keep in their toolbox. partition may not be as commonly known, but in this post I'll show you why it should be.

Published December 21 2020

Lists, or sequences, are incredibly useful data structures. A lot of the data we process is already a sequential collection of things, and by representing them with the same basic data structures, we can solve problems with the same tools over and over again. Consider how useful map is. The more you use it, the more uses you see for it.

  • Collect the email address of a group of people: (map :email users)
  • Render buttons for all the available actions: (map Button actions)
  • Parse a bunch of strings to numbers: (map parse-int strs)

filter is equally useful once you get to know it.

In much the same way, partitioning data is a highly useful generic abstraction. Imagine you have a list of 9 people, and you want to display them in a 3x3 grid. Wouldn't it be neat if you could chop the list into three lists of three elements? That's exactly what partition does if you pass 3 as its first argument:

(def people

(partition 3 people)
;;=> [["Anne" "Arnold" "Ali"]
;;    ["Bertha" "Brianna" "Bob"]
;;    ["Carl" "Celine" "Kelly"]]

Perfect! Now pass the result to (map Row partitioned) to render it. Using Clojure's thread last macro, you end up with a nice pipeline:

(->> people
     (partition 3)
     (map Row))

Partitioning with a predicate

Sometimes it is useful to partition by comparing elements. Consider this list of fascinating events:

(def events
  [{:date "2020-04-29"
    :event "Woke up"}
   {:date "2020-04-29"
    :event "Made coffee"}
   {:date "2020-04-30"
    :event "Slept in"}
   {:date "2020-04-30"
    :event "Took a shower"}
   {:date "2020-04-31"
    :event "Day off"}])

We can partition this into a list of events per day by using :date as the predicate for partition-by. This way a new list is started every time :date yields a different value:

(partition-by :date events)

;;=> [[{:date "2020-04-29", :event "Woke up"}
;;     {:date "2020-04-29", :event "Made coffee"}]
;;    [{:date "2020-04-30", :event "Slept in"}
;;     {:date "2020-04-30", :event "Took a shower"}]
;;    [{:date "2020-04-31", :event "Day off"}]]

In place of :date we could have used any function of our liking, partitioning the dataset by arbitrary rules.

Previous and next

partition also supports separating step from n - in other words, the number of steps we move in the seq does not have to correspond to the group size. This is useful when we want elements to belong to multiple groups.

Finding adjacent elements is a common use case. It is tempting to use some looping structure and local state to find those, but it is not necessary.

We can partition with n set to 3, but step just 1. This moves just one step ahead in the collection and makes a new group of 3 elements. The result is a sequence of each element along with their adjacent elements:

(partition 3 1 (range 10))

;;=> [[0 1 2]
;;    [1 2 3]
;;    [2 3 4]
;;    [3 4 5]
;;    [4 5 6]
;;    [5 6 7]
;;    [6 7 8]
;;    [7 8 9]]

At least, that's almost what we got. This list only contains 8 groups, but the input list had 10. partition only makes full groups, so the groups that would have started with 8 and 9 are excluded, as they would not be full. partition-all isn't so picky:

(partition-all 3 1 (range 10))

;;=> [[0 1 2]
;;    [1 2 3]
;;    [2 3 4]
;;    [3 4 5]
;;    [4 5 6]
;;    [5 6 7]
;;    [6 7 8]
;;    [7 8 9]
;;    [8 9]
;;    [9]

This has the right number of elements, but isn't exactly right either. If we're going to traverse this list and find [prev x next], the last two elements will not be helpful. We can solve this in one of two ways, depending on the desired behavior.

Linear previous and next

If "previous" from the first element and "next" from the last element are both desired to be nil, then we can pad the collection with two nils and call it a day:

(->> (concat [nil] (range 10) [nil])
     (partition 3 1))

;;=> [[nil 0 1]
;;    [0 1 2]
;;    [1 2 3]
;;    [2 3 4]
;;    [3 4 5]
;;    [4 5 6]
;;    [5 6 7]
;;    [6 7 8]
;;    [7 8 9]
;;    [8 9 nil]]

Be aware that this is not advisable if you intend to partition a lazy dataset, as the concat realizes the whole thing.

Circular previous and next

In a circular structure, the last element is the previous from the first(!) Similarly, the first element is the next from the last. We can achieve this by padding the collection in both ends with the right data.

There are many ways to do this, here's one:

(let [xs (range 4)
      n (count xs)]
  (->> (cycle xs)
       (drop (- n 1))
       (take (+ n 2))))

;;=> [3 0 1 2 3 0]

In other words:

  1. Repeat the elements of the list:
    ;;=> [0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 ...]
  2. Drop the entire first sequence, except for the last element:
    ;;=> [0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 ...]
    ;;          ^
    ;;=> [3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 ...]
  3. Take as many elements as the original list had, plus two (one in each end):
    ;;=> [3 0 1 2 3 0]

Then partition the result with step 1 and size 3:

(let [xs (range 10)
      n (count xs)]
  (->> (cycle xs)
       (drop (- n 1))
       (take (+ n 2))
       (partition 3 1)))

;;=> [[9 0 1]
;;    [0 1 2]
;;    [1 2 3]
;;    [2 3 4]
;;    [3 4 5]
;;    [4 5 6]
;;    [5 6 7]
;;    [6 7 8]
;;    [7 8 9]
;;    [8 9 0]]

And there you go! The entire list is found in the middle position of the tuples, with the adjacent elements in position 0 and 2. With this trick up your sleeve, you can leave even more imperative looping constructs behind in favor of functional pipelines.