Clojure to die for

There are many reasons to love Clojure; homoiconicity, persistent data structures, macros, and the list goes on. In this post, I want to focus on a few "details" in the language that really puts the icing on the cake, and clears up many common situations for me.

Published March 11 2014

Map access

In Clojure, you can access map entries in a number of useful ways. First, a map can be called as a function with a key as the only argument. It will return the value associated with the key, or nil, if there are none:

(def person {:name "Christian"})
(person :name) ;=> "Christian"
(person :age) ;=> nil

Usually, maps use keywords for keys. Keywords can also be used as functions, taking a map as their only argument:

(def person {:name "Christian"})
(:name person) ;=> "Christian"
(:age person) ;=> nil

This may be subjective, but to me this reads better. However, the real reason why this is cool is because of this:

(nil :key)
;; CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't call nil, compiling:(/private/var/folders/56/h3kfyd9n0r16f42bf4swkszm0000gn/T/form-init2716363333658506112.clj:1:1)
(:key nil)

In other words, using keywords to access map items produces nil if your map is actually nil. This turns out to be very practical.

Here's another wicked cool thing about keywords-as-functions:

(def people [{:name "John Doe"}
             {:name "Jane Doe"}])
(map :name people)
["John Doe" "Jane Doe"]

Deep access

Whenever you have nested maps (or vectors in maps in vectors for that matter), Clojure offers multiple functions to make life easier. The first is get-in:

(def person {:name "Christian"
             :address {:country "Norway" :city "Oslo"}})

(get-in person [:name])
(get-in person [:address :country])
(get-in person [:address :street])
(get-in nil [:address :street])

get-in also sorta works when maps and vectors mix:

(def people [{:name "Christian" :hobbies [{:name "Beer"}
                                          {:name "Food"}
                                          {:name "Music"}]}])

(get-in people [0 :hobbies 1 :name])

Beware though! Using get-in on a lazy sequence will not work as expected.

There are functions available to help you "set" nested map entries as well. assoc-in is used to put a value into the map/vector structure somewhere, while update-in can be used to set a value based on the old one (e.g. you provide a function that receives the old value as its argument, and may return the "new" value):

(assoc-in person [:address :street] "Street-o-rama")
{:name "Christian",
 :address {:country "Norway", :city "Oslo", :street "Street-o-rama"}}

(update-in person [:name] (fn [name] (.toUpperCase name)))
{:name "CHRISTIAN", :address {:country "Norway", :city "Oslo"}}

The anonymous function literal

The anonymous function literal is a dispatch macro. Basically, it is a very compact way of creating functions, perfect for those cases where you need a quick one-off function. It is perfect for use with the aforementioned update-in.

;; This:
(update-in person [:name] (fn [name] (.toUpperCase name)))
{:name "CHRISTIAN", :address {:country "Norway", :city "Oslo"}}

;; ...can be more succinctly written like this:
(update-in person [:name] #(.toUpperCase %))
{:name "CHRISTIAN", :address {:country "Norway", :city "Oslo"}}

By using the anonymous function literal, we avoid one nested form. If the function only receives one argument, you can refer to it as %. If the function should take more arguments, refer to them with %1, %2 etc. % is the same as %1, but I prefer not to mix (e.g. % and %2 in the same form looks inconsistent and unappealing to me).

The anonymous function literal is also a good match for map. Let's say you are looking for the number of leading spaces on each line in a block of text. You might write it like so:

(map (fn [line] (count (re-find #"^ +" line))) lines)

In short concise code snippets like this, the function contributes unnecessary amounts of noise. The anonymous function literal can clean it up:

(map #(count (re-find #"^ +" %)) lines)

This has less noise, and communicates the mapping much clearer.

The thread-first macro

The thread-first macro is a feature that is designed to help you untangle stuff like this:


Using the thread-first macro, we can break up this deeply nested structure and represent it as a pipeline instead:

(-> (content/load-content)

This is easier to read because it is sequential instead of nested. It is also easier to manipulate.

The thread-first macro gets its name from the fact that it threads the previous value in as the first argument to the next form. This becomes clear if any of the forms actually take arguments:

(-> person
    (assoc :street "Street-o-rama")
    (assoc :city "Gotham"))

Here we're also using keywords-as functions. This form means the same as this:

(assoc (assoc (:address person) :street "Street-o-rama") :city "Gotham")

I think it is fairly uncontroversial to say that the thread-first form is way easier to understand.

Remember the not-so-optimal example of using get-in on a potentially lazy sequence? We can do the same thing using the threading macro for an elegant solution that is also performant:

;; Original example
(get-in people [0 :hobbies 1 :name])

;; Respects lazy sequences
(-> people first :hobbies second :name)

This will still silently return nil if for instance this person has no hobbies.

The thread-last macro

The thread-last macro is just like the thread-first, except it threads values as the last argument to next form:

(->> lines
     (remove empty?)
     (map #(count (re-find #"^ +" %)))

;; Which is the same as
(min* (map #(count (re-find #"^ +" %)) (remove empty? lines)))

If you like these, you'll be pleased to know that Clojure 1.5 shipped with even more threading macros, such as as->, which allows you to choose and position the placeholder yourself.

These are just some of the details I love about Clojure, but I use them a lot, and they are for me a big part of what makes Clojure so effortless to work with.
