A Unified Specification

Your frontend application state lives in Datascript (it should anyway), and you use spec (again, you should) to enforce constraints on your data. Datascript needs a schema that asserts some facts about your data, while specs cover the rest. If you're consuming an API not specifically tailored for your app you also need some code to map API data to the Datascript schema.

Problem: the structure of your data is now scattered across three distinct pieces of code.

Published September 26 2018

To visualize the problem, we'll consume some data from The Studio Ghibli API, specifically, data about a movie:

curl https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/films/58611129-2dbc-4a81-a72f-77ddfc1b1b49
  "id": "58611129-2dbc-4a81-a72f-77ddfc1b1b49",
  "title": "My Neighbor Totoro",
  "description": "Two sisters move to the country with their father ...",
  "director": "Hayao Miyazaki",
  "producer": "Hayao Miyazaki",
  "release_date": "1988",
  "rt_score": "93",
  "people": [
  "species": [
  "locations": [
  "vehicles": [
  "url": "https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/films/58611129-2dbc-4a81-a72f-77ddfc1b1b49"

To avoid data fetching mechanics, we'll cut out most relations, and inline the ones we care about modelling:

  "id": "58611129-2dbc-4a81-a72f-77ddfc1b1b49",
  "title": "My Neighbor Totoro",
  "description": "Two sisters move to the country with their father ...",
  "release_date": "1988",
  "people": [
      "id": "986faac6-67e3-4fb8-a9ee-bad077c2e7fe",
      "name": "Satsuki Kusakabe",
      "age": "11"
      "id": "d5df3c04-f355-4038-833c-83bd3502b6b9",
      "name": "Mei Kusakabe",
      "age": "4"

The Datascript schema

Datascript schemas only need to specify attributes that should be unique, that are references, or that are collections. It does not care about or enforce the primitive type of attributes, and in fact it even allows storing attributes it doesn't know about. So a schema for the above could look something like:

(def schema
  {:movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity}
   :movie/people {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
                  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many}
   :person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity}})

The rest of the attributes don't need any further description. The problem with this approach is that the schema doesn't really tell you what the entire schema looks like. To mitigate this, I've sometimes included empty placeholders for documentation purposes, but that has problems of its own - who will remember to keep those placeholders up to date as the schema changes?

The specs

Next up, we'd like to write Clojure specs for the data - not primarily to validate data from the API, but to aid in transformation of data, and for use elsewhere in the codebase e.g. with s/fdef.

(defn numberify [s]
    (number? s) s
    (re-matches #"^\d+$") (js/parseInt s 10)
    :default :cljs.spec.alpha/invalid))

(s/def ::number (s/conformer numberify))

(s/def :person/id (s/conformer uuid))
(s/def :person/name string?)
(s/def :person/age ::number)
(s/def :person/entity (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age]))

(s/def :movie/id (s/conformer uuid))
(s/def :movie/title string?)
(s/def :movie/description string?)
(s/def :movie/release-date ::number)
(s/def :movie/people (s/coll-of :person/entity))
(s/def :movie/entity (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                   :movie/release-date :movie/people]))

This description of our data is much more complete. In fact, the only thing not encoded in this representation is the fact that the two id attributes are unique.

The mapping

Finally, I present to you some code to map the API data into our chosen representation for storing in Datascript.

(defn convert-person-data [{:keys [id name age]}]
  {:person/id (s/conform :person/id id)
   :person/name (s/conform :person/name name)
   :person/age (s/conform :person/age age)})

(defn convert-api-data [movie]
  {:movie/id (s/conform :movie/id (:id movie))
   :movie/title (s/conform :movie/title (:title movie))
   :movie/description (s/conform :movie/description (:description movie))
   :movie/release-date (s/conform :movie/release-date (:release_date movie))
   :movie/people (map convert-person-data (:people data))})

Relatively tedious, but thanks to conforming specs, not as bad as it could've been.

As promised, information about the structure of our application data is scattered among three individual sections of code that are hard to intermingle in any sensible way. This particular schema is small, so it's not all that bad. But take a schema of 5-6 entities with a bunch of attributes each, and you quickly lose track of the full picture.

In an attempt to create a more singular description of our data, we will move the specs into the Datascript schema. This won't actually work, but it'll define a goal:

(def schema
  {:person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :person/name {:schema/spec string?}
   :person/age {:schema/spec ::number}
   :person/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])}

   :movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
              :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :movie/title {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/description {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/release-date {:schema/spec ::number}
   :movie/people {:db/valueType :db.type/ref
                  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
                  :schema/spec (s/coll-of :person/entity)}
   :movie/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                             :movie/release-date :movie/people])}})

schema is a custom namespace that I just introduced. We'll make use of it shortly. Because the schema now has extraneous junk in it, Datascript will no longer eat it raw. We'll need a function that turns this back into a pure Datascript schema. Since we'll need a supporting function anyway, let's see if we can make some more improvements while we're at it.

When we reviewed our original specs, we concluded that they described everything about our data except for uniqueness constraints. It just so happens that spec has APIs to work with defined specs as data, allowing us to extract e.g. keys from a (s/keys) spec and more. That means we no longer need :db/valueType or :db/cardinality - the former can be induced from (s/keys) specs (those will be references) and the latter from (s/coll-of) specs (collection - :db.cardinality/many).

This leaves us with this leaner representation:

(def schema
  {:person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :person/name {:schema/spec string?}
   :person/age {:schema/spec ::number}
   :person/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])}

   :movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
              :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :movie/title {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/description {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/release-date {:schema/spec ::number}
   :movie/people {:schema/spec (s/coll-of :person/entity)}
   :movie/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                             :movie/release-date :movie/people])}})

Step 2: Define specs

Before we can extract the Datascript schema, we'll need to define the specs so we can mine them for data. cljs.spec.alpha/def is a macro, and in order to call it correctly on behalf of the schema definition, we need a macro to define the schema as well.

The macro goes into unified-schema/macros.cljc:

(ns unified-schema.macros
  #?(:cljs (:require [cljs.spec.alpha])))

(defmacro defschema [name schema]
  (apply list 'do (concat
                   (for [[attr attr-def] schema]
                     `(cljs.spec.alpha/def ~attr ~(:schema/spec attr-def)))
                   `[(def ~name ~schema)])))

...and can be used like so:

(ns unified-schema.example
  (:require [unified-schema.macros :refer-macros [defschema]])

(defschema example-schema
  {:person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :person/name {:schema/spec string?}
   :person/age {:schema/spec ::number}
   :person/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])}

   :movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
              :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :movie/title {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/description {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/release-date {:schema/spec ::number}
   :movie/people {:schema/spec (s/coll-of :person/entity)}
   :movie/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                             :movie/release-date :movie/people])}})

Now the specs will be defined, and example-schema will refer to our schema data.

Step 3: Extract Datascript schema

To extract the schema, we'll start by simply preserving all the keys in the db namespace:

(defn select-namespaced-keys [m ns]
  (->> (keys m)
       (filter #(= (namespace %) ns))
       (select-keys m)))

(defn extract-schema [attributes]
  (->> attributes
       (map (fn [[k v]] [k (select-namespaced-keys v "db"]))
       (into {})))

We will now add :db.cardinality/many to any attribute that has a s/coll-of spec, and :db.type/ref to any attribute that has a s/keys spec. You can inspect the underlying data structure of a spec with s/form:

(s/form :person/entity)
;;=> (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])

To devise a generalized solution, we'd also like to support this spec:

(s/def :person/entity
  (s/and (s/keys :req [:user/name])
         (s/or :email (s/keys :req [:user/email])
               :phone (s/keys :req [:user/tel]))))

(s/form :person/entity)
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req [:user/name])
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/or
;;  :email
;;  (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req [:user/email])
;;  :phone
;;  (clojure.spec.alpha/keys :req [:user/tel])))

To work with this data, I wrote two helper functions (see all the way to the bottom if you're interested):

  • coll-of, which returns the first s/coll-of spec
  • specced-keys, which returns a set of all keys, required and optional, for a map spec (#{:user/name :user/email :user/tel} in the above example).

Using these two functions, we can add the cardinality and ref types to the relevant attributes:

(defn- schema-attrs [attributes attr-key attr-def]
  (let [coll-type (coll-of attr-key)]
    (-> (select-namespaced-keys attributes "db")
        (assoc-non-nil :db/cardinality (when coll-type :db.cardinality/many))
        (assoc-non-nil :db/valueType (when (or (seq (specced-keys attr-key))
                                               (seq (specced-keys coll-type)))

(defn extract-schema [attributes]
  (->> attributes
       (map (fn [[k v]] [k (schema-attrs attributes k v]))
       (into {})))

Finally, we'll evict all attribute definitions that don't have any descriptors in the db namespace:

(defn extract-schema [attributes]
  (let [schema (->> attributes
                    (map (fn [[k v]] [k (schema-attrs attributes k v)]))
                    (into {}))]
    (->> (keys attributes)
         (filter #(not (seq (select-namespaced-keys (% attributes) "db"))))
         (apply dissoc schema))))

Step 4: Automate data transformations

We've unified the Datascript schema and specs. What about the mapping from API data to schema data? It would be neat if we could achieve that declaratively as well. In this particular case the mapping was quite straight forward: attributes have different names, and we want to pass values through our specs. The declarative bit of the solution could look like this:

(defschema example-schema
  {:person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)
               :schema/source :id}
   :person/name {:schema/spec string? :schema/source :name}
   :person/age {:schema/spec ::number :schema/source :age}
   :person/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])}

   :movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
              :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)
              :schema/source :id}
   :movie/title {:schema/spec string? :schema/source :title}
   :movie/description {:schema/spec string? :schema/source :description}
   :movie/release-date {:schema/spec ::number :schema/source :release_date}
   :movie/people {:schema/spec (s/coll-of :person/entity) :schema/source :people}
   :movie/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                             :movie/release-date :movie/people])}})

Frequently, your schema will contain namespaced versions of API data keys (e.g. :person/name vs "name"). Because this particular mapping is so common, we'll just bolt it into the converter, and can leave them out of our schema.

The implementation of convert-data looks like this:

(defn convert-data [attributes api-data key]
  (let [{:keys [schema/source]} (attributes key)
        data (if source
               (get api-data source)                   ;; Pick the specified source key
               (get api-data key                       ;; ...try the verbatim key
                    (get api-data (keyword (name key)) ;; ...or the unqualified key
                         api-data)))                   ;; ...or just use the raw data
        collection-type (coll-of key)
        keys (specced-keys key)]
      ;; For keys spec, build the value by recursively converting each key into a map
      (seq keys) (->> keys
                      (map (fn [k] [k (convert-data attributes api-data k)]))
                      (into {}))

      ;; For collections, recursively convert raw data elements
      collection-type (map #(convert-data attributes % collection-type) api-data)

      ;; Found a leaf value - conform it, or assert to fail
      :default (if (s/valid? key api-data)
                 (s/conform key api-data)
                 (s/assert key api-data)))))

There is one more feature that could be useful in this utility: the ability to provide a custom mapper for a value. We do already have this, through the key specs. However, sometimes we need to break down data in ways that are unsuitable for conformers to handle, such as converting "SomeLabel_23" into {:thing/label "SomeLabel" :thing/id 23} before continuing processing. This could be fixed with a :schema/mapper function that receives the current data and produces the data to process.

In Summary

With just a little bit of abstraction on top of Datascript schemas and specs, we're able to produce a Datascript schema, specs, and API->schema mapping from one and the same declarative piece of code:

(defn numberify [s]
    (number? s) s
    (re-matches #"^\d+$") (js/parseInt s 10)
    :default :cljs.spec.alpha/invalid))

(s/def ::number (s/conformer numberify))

(defschema example-schema
  {:person/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :person/name {:schema/spec string?}
   :person/age {:schema/spec ::number}
   :person/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:person/id :person/name :person/age])}

   :movie/id {:db/unique :db.unique/identity
              :schema/spec (s/conformer uuid)}
   :movie/title {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/description {:schema/spec string?}
   :movie/release-date {:schema/spec ::number :schema/source :release_date}
   :movie/people {:schema/spec (s/coll-of :person/entity)}
   :movie/entity {:schema/spec (s/keys :req [:movie/id :movie/title :movie/description
                                             :movie/release-date :movie/people])}})

(extract-schema example-schema) ;; Datascript schema
(convert-data example-schema api-data :movie/entity) ;; Transactionable data

This can be used with a wide variety of API->Datascript mappings, and helps keep your schema definitions in one place. All thanks to the underlying data driven abstractions of Datascript and clojure.spec. Data: you can't beat it.